How do I set the NULL values in the attached Crosstab output to zero?
The green column does not have values that go out to the dates in the first column so Alteryx sets the values to NULL.
Thank you.
Solved! Go to Solution.
@amweir one approach I have used is applying a Multi-Field Formula tool after the Cross Tab. From here, select the numeric fields you want to change from null to zeroes. Then, in the MFF's formula syntax, you should be able to apply the below to set them all to zeros:
IF ISNULL([_CurrentField_]) THEN 0 ELSE [_CurrentField_] ENDIF
Thank you @rzdodson. That worked.
have a question on this.... If you ran this in the previous and had new columns added, would they be added to the multiformula?
@gharding that is correct. Assuming that the new fields are of the same data type (re: Numeric), you can select the "Dynamic or Unknown Fields" option here, and it'll apply that formula syntax to any new columns that are coming in.