I've got some durations data as strings which I'm having trouble converting to time values because many of them are over 24 hours. Is there some format I can convert them to that would allow me to sort them by duration.
Duration |
26:42:41 |
105:53:56 |
50:08:01 |
21:22:50 |
73:42:05 |
108:08:11 |
1:55:12 |
Thank you for your help.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Your best bet would be to PADLEFT() the Duration field to a length of 9 padding 0's at the start. This would then allow you to sort the data
PADLEFT([Duration], 9, '0')
Hope this helps!
Teknion Data Solutions
Put in a text to columns tool, splitting on ":"
Then put in a formula, where you convert them all to minutes (e.g., time = hour*60 + minutes + seconds/60)
Hope this helps
Thank you both for your solutions - I've cracked it now.
I have a similar problem and I used the PadLeft, it worked for me but the column is still a string , I want it in date (HH:MM:SS) format so that I can perform other aggregation on it.
How did you go about your, please advise.
The solution using the PADLEFT() function won't work since the resulting value is not a compatible TIME format. The hour part should would need to be a value between 00 - 23.
If it is between that, you can put a SELECT tool after and just convert it to a "Time" data type field.
If you haven't already solved for this already, I'd suggest submitting a new post in this channel with some samples and what kind of aggregations you're trying to perform on it.
Hi @Femi_Olunuga, sorry for my late reply. At the time you posted your question my hard drive decided to stop working and took with it six years' work. Thankfully I managed to recover most of it. @jrgo's answer covers it.
I created these string fields;
Days: padleft(tostring(FLOOR([TIME_TAKEN]/(24*3600))),2,"0")
Hours: Padleft(Tostring(FLOOR((Mod([TIME_TAKEN],(24*3600))/3600))),2,"0")
Minutes: Padleft(Tostring(FLOOR(MOD([TIME_TAKEN],3600)/60)),2,"0")
Seconds: Padleft(Tostring(Floor(Mod([TIME_TAKEN],60))),2,"0")
I can sort them based on these four fields and I also concatenated them into another string field ([Days]+" Days "+[Hours]+" Hours "+[Minutes]+" Minutes "+[Seconds]+" Seconds").
Hope that helps a bit.