The reports are sent automatically from the Gallery by the data that fed daily into the table.
If just some data has been received that day to the table, the report will be sent anyway (Which comes half correctly).
Is there a way I can control this automatically workflow by a condition like If count(*) < 5000 Then send alert message Else send the report) ?
Because I know just the roughly amount of the records that should be fed into the table(daily receive) I can't find a specific number of records that will tell us the report is corrected.
I thought to provide a rough number (5000), but if you have another idea I would be happy to know. 6000 is the average amount but could be lower than that in some days.
Thanks for helping
@Borisham you can do this in your workflow based on the record count that comes from the table. The screenshot below may help:
Hi @Borisham
I added below a workflow that represents how you can accomplish this. Where we are counting records, creating a conditional to see if it is above 5000 and giving you either a message or emailing the report based on the conditional being met.