Are there any free company datasets that we can connect via Alteryx? I remember seeing something like that in a demo or a tutorial, but can't be really sure where although I do remember it was Alteryx. These are the databases keep data like company name, address, postcode etc. (things like D&B)
Does it ring a bell?
Much appreciate your feedback.
Hello @isokando ,
On the designer menu, on help, you will see there sample datasets,
you can also check on the internet to see what is available, https://www.census.gov/data/datasets.html or kaggle.com are good examples for available datasets too.
Thank you. Not sure I was able to explore Cencus data effectively. The dataset I recall had company names, addresses etc. Sounds familiar?
There are licences available for third party datasets such as D&B like you mention.
These are paid for datasets, which I suggest speaking to your Alteryx account rep about.
if it is just to have data to practice with, then things like Kaggle would be good for getting free data.
Thank you, let me have a look in more detail.