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Combine Multiple excel files with different schema

9 - Comet



I want to union 10-15 excel files with the help of Alteryx. However, facing difficulty because of having different schema. I thought a way first to make my data in same data structure or same columns name with the help of a batch macro. Then union it with another batch macro. However, facing difficulty in it. I attach my sample 1 and 2 data. If you can give a try, how it can be possible even if we have different data structure or col headers, still we can union it. I need to union only first sheet (Report) in my sample data. 


I tried to search a way of doing it and found this video on Youtube where his 3rd example can resolve my issue. However do not why it is not getting done.


Thank you.  

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Rahul_Analyst 


Yes please do try with .xlsx .xls is a older version and lot of features are not supported.


Hope this helps : )

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @Rahul_Analyst ,


I modified your workflow and the macro a bit:
- additional filter for "*.xls" files
- created the file+sheet name as filename + "|'Report$'" to point to the sheet name

In the macro, the Action tool missed the "Replace a specific String" setting. In addition, I switched to "autoconfigure by position" in interface designer.


Using the sample data you provided, it seems to works on my PC, let me know if it works for you.





9 - Comet

@atcodedog05 ,


I changed file type to .xlsx then I think macro needs to be configured in such a way, so it should point only to "Report" sheet and union it. It should leave other 3 sheets which are there in sample data. 


A suggestion:- can we not create first a batch macro to clean the data and make all the files in same schema then using this another batch macro for union it ?




9 - Comet

@RolandSchubert ,


I wonder how it worked for you but for me this error is coming. 


But one thing- when I added $ in formula tool after Report then it fetch the data for first file and did not give error but did not union 2nd file. 




9 - Comet



Hi, it worked. 


Actually, I was not using browse tool to see the union result. Without browse tool or output tool, it was showing me only first file data that is why I was thinking it is not giving me correct result. But the moment, I added browse tool, then I could see the data from both the files in result window. 


Thanks a lot, @JosephSerpis , @atcodedog05 , @RolandSchubert  for your time and responses. 

8 - Asteroid



I am trying to do the similar to my workflow.


I have 5 files with 5 sheets and I need to join all 5 files together but only certain sheets from within the 5 files and also 2 sheets do not have unique identifier but still need to be joined together with all. I could not open your workflow -newer version. :/


I have tried Batch macro but got an error on last macro and got stuck. 


So there is a way to create a batch macro to clean the data then union it?






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