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Combine List Box and Text Box Entries

9 - Comet

I am looking for a solution to create an APP which will combine user-selected List Box values with new Text Box entries.


Bank Branches Use Case:

List Box contains city and state of existing bank branch locations.  I would like the user to be able to pick/choose existing locations AND type in multiple city/state of potential future branch locations.  The list box values selected will be combined with the text box entries and continue through the application.  I would like to give the user the option to enter multiple city/state values (in reality only a few potential locations will be entered 1-5).


Does anyone know how to create this app?

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

@bertal34 I'll give this a try now

All the best,


14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

@bertal34 Please give this a try. Any questions, shoot me a message. It required the use of chained app.


all the best,


All the best,


9 - Comet

@BS_THE_ANALYST  Thank you for getting back to me so quickly.  I will review the solution you provided and let you know how it works.

9 - Comet

@BS_THE_ANALYST  This is not working for me.  When I run App1, I type in 2 future locations.  Only the first location typed is carried over to the App2 selections.  Also when I select "All" values in App2, only the 5 banks in the Text Input are being returned.  I like the way this works...Can you tweak the apps?

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

@bertal34 updated version is here. For some reason the Text to Columns delimiter reset from a \n to a comma. 


Regarding this:
'"All" values in App2, only the 5 banks in the Text Input are being returned.'


You asked for the ability to add more options to the list box tool. This is achieved. The text input tool is 5 lines of dummy data. Of course adding more lines to a filtering criteria will not change the data source. Hopefully that makes sense.


Feel free to add extra lines to the Text Input on the bottom data stream in the first app to "simulate" like those new branch locations are coming in.


all the best,


All the best,


9 - Comet

@BS_THE_ANALYST I appreciate you helping me.  Sorry if I wasn't clear in my original post!  I do understand what you're saying.  Basically the Cities I would want to be returned are: any of the existing which the user chooses PLUS any new values (cities) that the user typed in.  So I could for example select New York and add in Boston MA.  Both of these should come out in the output.  Thanks again, I feel like it's so close!

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

@bertal34 think we're on two different pages. Let me explain what my thinking is and you'll spot that one of us has a misunderstanding.


The list box displays all of the unique values inside of a column. The text input is redundant in my opinion as the listbox is going to display all the values you could filter on in a particular column. Nevertheless, we also have the ability to add additional filtering options by letting the user essentially add more selectable options to the listbox.


The listbox is essentially acting as a filter, right. In the example I sent you, we have 5 lines of dummy data. In that dummy data. When you add more criteria to filter on, this isn't going to make a difference if the data source is still 5 lines. For instance, a user adds "this is a fake location" to the text input (which the listbox then picks up). If there aren't any rows of data with that location, it isn't going to pop up to the user after the app is run because there are no rows present containing that location?? Of course, the data source is just the static dummy data. Just add some more rows into the dummy data source to simulate real world stuff.


What you're implying is that if the user adds a piece of information into the text input and then selects that in the listbox that there should now be visible rows in the output for that new location. I'm telling you there is no data in the original data source that contains rows with that new location hence why it's not in the output. 


A filter is not going to add additional rows to your data source. It will remove rows or keep all existing rows. 


All the best,



All the best,


9 - Comet

@BS_THE_ANALYST  Thanks so much for your assistance.  I was able to take what you started and modify for my needs.  Attached is what I came up with.



14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

@bertal34 that's awesome. Glad you got it sorted.


All the best,

All the best,


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