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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Client Use - Alteryx YXMD

6 - Meteoroid



I have created a workflow using Alteryx designer applied few transformation rules. I want to share the file with one of my client without having Alteryx license. How can client execute the workflow. Kindly assist me on it.


 Apologies if it sounds strange. I am new to Alteryx and wanted to understand its implementation part.





16 - Nebula

Your client can use a free trial version of Alteryx Designer, which is available for 14 days. They can install this trial version to run the workflow.

Run the workflow yourself and export the results to a common format (e.g., Excel, CSV, or a database). Share these files with your client.

hope this help 
mark done if solved.

6 - Meteoroid

Hi Raj,


Thanks for your response.

We have created Alteryx workflow on designer and my client is from customer support/operational side. Is there any way where we can publish the workflow and client can execute through URL without installing designer tool.





12 - Quasar

Yes. With Alteryx Server.

6 - Meteoroid

Hi ,


I have created the workflow with Alteryx designer under trail version. How to publish the workbook into gallery through Alteryx server.


Kindly guide.




12 - Quasar

You will need an Alteryx Server. A sales rep from Alteryx can help you with a trial license and you should have a contact from your designer trial, otherwise get in contact with Alteryx and ask for it, or ask for an Alteryx Partner that can help. I think it'll run at somewhere around US$120k/yr if you then continue after the trial. That's not an official number, it used to be AUD$187k I think and so US$120k is a guess.


I thought a trial license would be able to publish to the public gallery so that you could show the effects of other people being able to run it. DO NOT put client data up there though!!! On the public gallery you won't be able to play with a single setting naturally and so it will be just to show the sharing mechanism in it's simplest form.

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