I have an excel file as an input with multiple tabs.
The workflow requires to access these tabs (names and range of data differ)
Currently in the user interface i am asking the users to browse the tabs and the ranges.
This is cumbersome as i have 4 different files as inputs with multiple tabs.
Is it possible to give the user to input just the file name without them choosing the tabs/ranges.
can the latter be taken care of by the Alteryx?
Sure, they can just be directed to select “List of Sheet Names” and the workflow can be adapted from there to accommodate reading those in! The only caveat is that then the workflow would have to know which tabs need to be read in from there, so hopefully the tab naming is consistent
So in the input data tool, i choose, 'import only the list of sheet names'?
If so then
- how do i proceed with a selected tab and range?
- how do in the FileBrowse option can i restrict just the file name to be selected. it would still ask user to specify the sheet /range/sheets. I want to avoid that hassle for the user.
Once the workflow reads in the list of sheet names, you can use filters to get the sheet you’d want to read in, add the sheet and a range (if applicable) to the path using a formula, then read in that path using a Dynamic Input.
there is not a way to restrict the file name as I am aware - you could put in instructions in the interface and/or use an Error Message tool to ensure they select a specific file name and/or with specific sheets.