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Change from v_string to Double

8 - Asteroid

In column G I have a set of numbers in v-string, f.eks 2.012,50 and when I change it to double (because I want to use it as a number i calculation) it is changed til 2,012. I have attached an example


Also f.ex in column A I have 988100. It becoms to 988.100 when I change from v-string to double.


I have changed local setting for thousand-separator to be a period and decimal-symbol to comma. What is wrong?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @Kjaer,

Don't know if you've attached the wrong CSV, I don't see any of the numbers you've mentioned



8 - Asteroid


The numbers are just examples. You can you the file I have attached. If you set separator to ; in the input you get the set correct.

10 - Fireball

Hi @Kjaer not sure about the user settings but I just converted Field_1 to double fine, Field_7 and Field_8, I just changed to a recognisable number via formula then to double via select:


Replace(Replace([Field_7], ".", ""), ",", ".") - replacing period with nothing and comma with a period.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I agree with @Matt_D,


String Functions | Alteryx Help using the replace function is the way to go

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hi @Kjaer,


When I face this kind of transformation, I never directly go to a select tool to do so, you may have to first remove the '.' (which should be your thousands separator) with a formula (replace([fieldXXX], '.', '') to delete this char. Then you can use a select with the option at the botom (Use commas as decimal seprators).


(it worked on my side)

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