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Chained Apps List Box works using external source in second app but not in the third app

7 - Meteor

I have three chained apps, the first two run perfectly with one another and include the use of a list box. The third app is made up almost identically to the second app and also includes a list box, but does not display list box results when run with the wizard following the second app's completion. Both list boxes are setup using external source name and value paths. 


I am not sure why the method works well for the first two apps, but not the third.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I setup my list boxes for the chained app regarding what the Alteryx community had previously stated about NAME and VALUE and using an external source.


Here are screenshots of my workflows:


app 1 chained app question.png





app 1 listbox output.pngapp 1 mapping.pngapp 2 chained app question.pngapp 2 listbox configu.pngapp 2 mapping.pngapp 3 chained app question.pngapp 3 listbox config.pngapp 3 mapping.pngapp 3 run manually.pngconfig for app 3 listbox.png





7 - Meteor

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7 - Meteor

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19 - Altair

first place I'd look - you are publishing the output of the second app to the wrong location.

second place I'd look - are the files created by the second app actually there and are then in the correct NAME VALUE format




App 1 - you feed a drop down into a filter.

App 2 you feed a listbox into a filter.

Drop down = 1 value.

List Box = an array of values. potentially more than 1 - but nontheless an array of values.

your filter tool in app 2 is not creating anything because you have it configured wrong in your action tool.  App3 is working correclty - your  listbox/actiontool/filtertool is wrong.


if you do want a list - you must configure it in custom list mode - not select tool mode.

7 - Meteor

It isn't being published to the wrong location. They do have the correct NAME VALUE, when run individually/manually everything populates perfectly, just not as a chained app. The first two apps work perfectly while chained together as well however. The problem seems to lie with the list box, but I'm wondering how it worked correctly with app 2 but not with app 3. The setup of app 2 and app 3 are almost identical. I have not tried custom list mode however, I didn't see anyone else say that was required and it wasn't needed for chaining apps 1 and 2 together successfully. Thank you for the response Altair, I wonder if you're familiar with the Assassin's Creed games. 

19 - Altair

You need to switch out of listbox. when you run in designer this works because your action tool is not modifying your filter. When you run as an app you are feeding junk to your filter and are not creating any files. if you don't create any files in app 2  - app 3 will not run.


Sorry - It's a community rank/star. In the old days I played Master of Magic - and it was the Alkari homeworld - but that's dating me as "old."

7 - Meteor

This is where I am confused because app 1 is filtering and creating files in app 2, both an output with everything, and an output with just the NAME and VALUE for the listbox and app 2 is setup to filter and do the same for app 3. Also I need to be able to select multiple different variables in my selection which is why I chose listbox, is there an alternative? 

19 - Altair

the correct configuration for filter tool is [field[ IN("value1") - action tool replaces specific string "value1" - WITH QUOTES


list box configured in list mode with "    ","      " 


if this doesn't work - your action config is wrong - you will need to post screem grabs.

7 - Meteor

I made all of these changes and it did not fix my issue, the first two apps still work perfectly, the third one still does not display anything for its listbox question. 


Here is a screenshot of the listbox config from app 2

App 2 listbox config.png

Here is the action tool setup from app 2:

app 2 action tool config.png

Here is the filter setup for app 2:

app 2 filter setup.png

Here is app 2's workflow:

app 2 workflow.png

The setup for app 3 is exactly the same but with a different filter, once again app 2's list box is working perfectly, app 3's is not populating at all.

app 3 workflow.png

When running the wizard for app 3 on its own after manually running the first two apps without the wizard, the listbox populates just like before:

app 3 run manually.png

But when run as a chained app nothing populates in the listbox of app 3. 



19 - Altair

Edit your action tool to follow this instruction - 

the correct configuration for filter tool is [field] IN("value1") - action tool replaces specific string "value1" - WITH QUOTES


your action tool is not configured correctly. As noted - this would create a situation where it runs correctly as a workflow - but not as an app. You want to replace the specific field you have in you IN('') statement including quotes.



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