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Chained App 1's Output Not Being Updated When Used as Chained App 2's Input

7 - Meteor

Hello, I am trying to pull the user's selected excel filepath and selected tab using the chained apps below and would appreciate any kind of help or guidance: 


  • Chained App 1: The user selects an excel file allowing the file path and corresponding sheets to be recorded as output (alteryx DB file).


  • Chained App 2: The output from App 1 (alteryx DB file with sheets/tabs from the selected file) is able to be selected via dropdown. The selected sheet is then recorded.


Issue: The input used for App 2 is not updated when the apps are chained. In other words, the result from App 1 is correct but does not update as the input for App 2 unless it is run separately.


Please use the "MonthTest" file as a sample input file and update the local filepath as necessary. 



13 - Pulsar

You are using the yxdb to create a new dropdown at run time which is where the issue is happening.

Your yxdb already has the name/value pairs in it, so you only need to reference the file and dont need to create the dropdown items in the flow.


Try this version and see how it goes.

7 - Meteor

Thank you for a calling out the dropdown issue. The updated workflow you provided does work perfectly for the sample input file of "MonthTest.xlsx" although it will not pull down accurate sheet names for other excel files since I was hoping to use this for other files as well. 

13 - Pulsar

Sorry about that. I tweaked App1 a bit and forgot to make sure the action tool was also updated properly.

Try this version. It should work for other excel files.


7 - Meteor

Perfect, thank you!
