Hello guys.
In the input section, when i click to the 3rd option on the left (table or query), It should give me (Choose table or specific Query) but i gave (Select Excel Input). I need to use the SQL editor . I am using the latest version of Alteryx (i just installed 3 days ago)
my screen
tutorial ?!
Solved! Go to Solution.
please help
According to the help it appears this ability has been removed as an option when bringing in an excel file: https://help.alteryx.com/2018.1/DbFileInput.htm
We would need someone from Alteryx to confirm but the documentation definitely suggests this.
What exactly were you looking to achieve with your SQL statement? I assume it can be done very easily inside Alteryx anyway.
@Longdaica The old SQL editor is gone but it's still possible to write SQL if you edit the XML. First, you will need to go to options >>> User Settings >>> Advanced and then check the box "Display XML in Properties Window". Then you can go to your input tool with the excel file, click on the Xml icon on the left, and then "Edit" on the top right:
Here you can write a SQL statement like before:
<File OutputFileName="" RecordLimit="" SearchSubDirs="False" FileFormat="25">File.xlsx||| Select * From `Selections$A1:C5`</File>
You won't want to change anything between the < > above (green text). You would just be changing the File and SQL (red text). You would click ok when you're done. Then it will look like this:
It's certainly not ideal, but I still use it.
Thanks @patrick_digan for the idea with the XML editing.
You can actually even do it a little easier in 2018.1, you can just add it here:
@OliverW That is much easier :)
Its actually also quite nice as you of course then again can make this dynamic through Alteryx Macros for example.
Best wishes
This is a great workarounf and much easier.
As a FYI you can copy and paste the text in the "Table and Query" field if you are lazy and don't want to type in long sheet names or if you need to quickly modify the ranges.