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Bug found in Input Tool, Batch MAcro

5 - Atom

Hi Team,


The following is a gist of the Issue faces, and the bug.

I am working on a batch macro for reading and appending multiple Sheets from an excel. I had copy pasted one of my WFs for this, with the differences being start at line and Auto Configure by name instead of position. As I had copied the WFs, and I wanted to start at line 0, as against  previously specified row. I had deleted the row number, and not added 1 (I had to check the default configuration to identify this). The result was that when I was using this as a part of bigger WF (about 20 tools), I was getting the error that I have identified a bug, but it was running okay in isolation (with alike  directory tool, filter tool and the Macro).


Post changing row to 1, the bigger WF worked too. I was hoping if this can be fixed and default of 1 can be applied in all cases, so Lazy ones like myself can be at ease :). 



19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @Pooja9 


If the error message you're seeing is similar to "You have found a bug. Replicate, then let us know. We shall fix it", then the community page isn't the right page to post this.  Go to this page and create a new support case.  Make sure to attach the workflow and the database to your case.


