I recently upgraded to 2022.1 for Designer, and now suddenly the Browse Anywhere feature isn't working. I run the workflow, click on a tool, and it says "no data available" as if I haven't run the workflow yet. But I know data is flowing through, because I can see the record count and I can see data in Browse tools downstream. Anyone else having this issue, or does anyone know how to fix it...?
Thanks in advance!
Are you still experiencing these issues? Can you upload a screenshot?
If it's fixed, it would be great to post a follow up comment in case anyone else is experiencing issues.
If you still have this issue, please reach out to Alteryx Support! (support@alteryx.com)
Yes, this is still intermittently an issue. It's hard to troubleshoot because it's not consistent. Not sure how much a screenshot helps, but you can see here:
I didn't change anything in the workflow, you can see that the data have all flowed through, but the 'Browse Anywhere' is blank and telling me to run the workflow. Yet running the workflow again doesn't fix it.
User Settings check first, can you make sure the Collect and display data profile information is checked under the Defaults tab in the User Settings. Also while on it, try checking the Override System Settings in the Advanced tab as well.
Great idea! Unfortunately, "Collect and display data profile info" was already checked, and checking 'override system settings' didn't help...
I've read about a bug similar to this but it's on 2020.2 but before we jumped to that conclusion make sure that you are not running workflows on with few available hard drive space in your computer. I know it's a bit of a hassle but you can either connect to support to have it look by them or try downgrading the version.
If you're still facing this issue, ensure in the Runtime tab of your workflow configuration that Disable All Browse Tools is disabled.
I was facing the same thing recently and despite being absolutely certain that this wasn't always the behaviour of that setting, it's resolved it entirely for me. This persisted through a couple of reinstalls and between two different versions of AYX installed as admin and user.
That would make sense, but unfortunately that setting wasn't checked when I experience these problems. It's also really inconsistent, it will work lots and then stop working, and randomly start working again!!
Realised immediately after posting that it obviously wasn't if you can see results in browse tools :facepalm
Tbh I'd recommend opening a support case with Alteryx - it sounds like something's going a bit wrong on the inside...
Perhaps also try changing the default browse data limit of 1MB up a bit in case a change in that config clears it up?
All the best!