I'm working on an Alteryx workflow that will eventually be handed over to the COE team for future maintenance use. For this reason, we are using a shared folder on the company drive for the user input files.
I have gotten the batch macro from the Ultimate Input Data Flowchart page to work importing a folder of .xlsx files(https://knowledge.alteryx.com/index/s/article/The-Ultimate-Input-Data-Flowchart-1583459854309)
The workflow and all related files are on my local machine in a desktop folder until it is complete for handover.
The issue I'm running into is, when I have the batch macro Directory Input Tool aimed at a folder on my local machine with the input files (17 of them), it works fine in aggregating all of the data.
However, when I change the filepath to the shared folder, it only gets 4 of them.
Is this a common occurrence, of do I have something configured incorrectly?
@zachritter00 If the batch macro works in the desktop it should work also in the shared folder as well until unless there is any specific permission set to these files. Make sure that all the files are .xlsx in the shared folder, check the result window of the workflow for any error messages, also drag any of the excel files which are not showing in the directory tool in to the canvas directly and check these file are showing the records or not.
All of the files are .xlsx. When I have the filepath set to the shared folder, my batch output has 176 rows from 4 files. If I copy all of the files to my local computer and set the filepath to that folder, the batch output has 1052 rows from 17 files.
I don't believe there are any permission differences for the files in the shared folder. Running the workflow, I get no errors/Conv Errors/Warnings from the batch macro part of the workflow.
@zachritter00 Try one of the input file (other than the 4 files which was showing in the directory tool) from the shared drive to connect to the input tool and check whether you can see the data without copying to local