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An "@" symbol occurring in Excel Formula generated by Alteryx

5 - Atom

Hi Everyone, 

It's just been a while using Alteryx. I had a requirement to generate excel formulas as an Output in Alteryx. I have done the needed changes for it but the excel formula thats been generated has nan "@" symbol before every sheet name. This is causing the excel to not pick any data. Attaching documents for better understanding

Excel Formula: =SUM(IF((Merival!$G3:$G100000=D2)*(Merival!$H3:$H100000=E2),Merival!$K3:$K100000,0))

Alteryx Generated Output: =SUM(IF((@Merival!$G3:$G100000=D2)*(@Merival!$H3:$H100000=E2),Merival!$K3:$K100000,0))

I see this issue occurring when sheets names are used in formula, it would be great if someone could help me out with this.


20 - Arcturus

@fernanff Can you upload the input file as well?

11 - Bolide

I've seen this as well and end up having to do a find/replace in Excel to remove the @.  Are you using Office 365?  From what I have found by searching, this is only happening with Office 365.  And only with certain formulas such as thouse that uses ranges or arrays.


12 - Quasar

@fernanff -- can you load data into a template Excel file where the formulas already exist?  If it is an Office365 issue as @Robin_McIntosh has found, then this might be a way around that.


9 - Comet

I see this happening in Designer version 2023.1.1.123 when used with a certain function (I have not tried it with other functions)





9 - Comet

This is still happening with Version: 2023.1.1.281 Patch: 3
