Dear community,
I am currently working on an Excel (xlsx) database containing waste quantity by type of waste. Numbers are in tons, so with 4-5 decimals.
When inputting the file in Alteryx, Alteryx does not recognize some numbers that are below 1 (e.g. 0,876) and put a 0 instead. The errors happen for some numbers only, starting with the input tool.
Would you have any clue?
Please note I am using the online version of Alteryx (on Mac), so with limited tools & number formats.
Thanks a lot,
If the number looks like 0.876, then you'll need to Replace the comma with a period so it can convert into a number properly! Typically a Replace or ReplaceChar function will do it.
This should be in the Designer Cloud forum - not the Designer Desktop. I'm mentioning that because Designer Cloud has a different internal architecture entirely and may have issues where Designer Desktop does not. Usually I'd check localization to see if I was reading , or . as my decimal separator. That may work on Designer Cloud - but this also could just be a Designer Cloud issue.