Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Alteryx being slow and "not responding"

7 - Meteor

Hi there,


I have been using Alteryx for almost 3 years now, and it has been such an amazing experience.


I have however been experiencing the software being slow, and giving the "not responding" message in the window title, in terms of:

- adding tools to the canvas;

- adjusting tools' configurations;

- accessing and amending setting

- moving tools around; and

- copying and pasting tools.


It is not always slow, but it has times where it just doesn't allow me to work as I should. I tried closing all other apps and windows, restarting my device and re-opening the workflows. None of this really help as if it started doing this, it seems to be consistent for a couple of days. I then finish what I'm busy with, with some frustration, and when I get back to Alteryx in a couple days, it runs better before running into the same issues.


Some additional info:

- Version: 2022.3.1.395

- Designer and Intelligence Suite Licenses

- Accessing internal and self-built macros


I don't know what else could have an impact, but let me know if you are aware of areas that could have this effect. 


Thanks in advance.

5 - Atom

Hi all

Is there any update on this issue. It is very frustrating!!!!

5 - Atom

In my case the issue has been resolved, but not because of any update from Alteryx or with me changing anything with my Alteryx installation. I'd pulled up the Windows task manager and found that whenever I did an operation in Alteryx which caused the unresponsiveness (in my case even dragging tools to the canvas would do this) I'd see a spike in CPU usage associated with an unrelated piece of security software called 'DefendPoint'. I can't explain why the two would be related or have an effect on each other, but sure enough removing and then reinstalling DefendPoint has solved the issue and Alteryx is now as snappy as it used to be.

5 - Atom

I'm having the same issue, and it's so frustrating. Someone said to turn off Wi-Fi, which makes it so much faster, but I work with input data tools that need Wi-Fi to run, so it's not a good long-term solution.

13 - Pulsar




I have some slowdown issues and I feel better by clearing all the logs in the folders within this path:
C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\ErrorLogs or with AMP engine enabled

8 - Asteroid

Still no answer from Alteryx on this problem?

8 - Asteroid

not that I've seen

5 - Atom

I'm having the same issue
