where trying to access snowflake from input data tool, i have this message
Error: Entrée de données (1): Erreur SQLExecute : No active warehouse selected in the current session. Select an active warehouse with the 'use warehouse' command.
when trying to add
in pre-sql code, I have those errors
Error: Input Data (1): Executing PreSQL: "ALTER WAREHOUSE “XX” RESUME IF SUSPENDED;" : SQL compilation error:
syntax error line 1 at position 16 unexpected '“F'.
Error: Input Data (1): Error running PreSQL: "ALTER WAREHOUSE “XX” RESUME IF SUSPENDED;
USE WAREHOUSE “XX”;": SQL compilation error:
syntax error line 1 at position 16 unexpected '“F'.
same if I don't use semi columns
the warehouse is configured in the ODBC entry
ODBC driver used : Snowflake DSIIDriver
would it mean some parameters are not used ?
the problem comes fro the warehouse I tried to use, whowh wasn't usable by the user. If I try another on, it works
BUT now I Have
Error: Designer x64: The Designer x64 reported: You have found a bug. Le canal de communication a été fermé.
when the number of rows retrieved exceeds 174 rows
An idea ?
I installed ODBC Driver Simba Snowflake ODBC Driver and I have the same problem
I think what @ArtApa is hinting at is - if you are declaring a warehouse in your driver config - you shouldn't be declaring a warehouse in your presql.
for the warehouse, if I use one which is authorized to user, it works
the probleme now is the message after retrieving 173 rows
You can of course declare warehouse in your driver config but you need to create multiple connections for each warehouse you want to use.
With different warehouse sizes in Snowflake, I would always prefer to have it specified in the workflow itself rather than in the driver config. Additionally I find that, especially with the gallery or workflow sharing, the ODBC config string is way more useful vs DSN.