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Alteryx Workflow Validation Tips and Tricks

8 - Asteroid

Hi Everyone 


Every 2 weeks we have atleast 10 workflows which are going into Server. My Job is to validate certain criteria in each workflow, like Events are enabled or no and any containers are disabled some other documentation things in the workflow. 

for me it is little hectic to validate each and every workflow, has anyone has any tips and tricks to make it more better way instead of validating each 1 at a time or something like Analytical application or validation workflow for this scenario. 

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @saiirangam 


Depending on the complexity of your rules, you might be able to build an Alteryx workflow to analyze each workflow and spit out any errors. 


Alteryx workflows are just .xml files and can be parsed like any text file.  Read them in as .csv files with \0 as the delimiter.  You can then look for specific items within the workflow,  For Example, the Events Enabled check that you mentioned can be verified by looking <Properties><Events> element in the workflow and checking if <Enabled> = "True"




By building some test workflows that both pass and fail each of the criteria, you should be able to automate the entire process



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

This is useful info, thanks @danilang !

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
8 - Asteroid

This is Useful , Thank You Dan

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