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Alteryx Workflow Not Responding when try to open the workflow in Alteryx designer

5 - Atom

Hi All,


When I tried to open a workflow in Alteryx it took too long, and in the top corner of the Alteryx designer, it was showing like Not Responding. In that workflow, I'm getting data from SharePoint using SharePoint input tools(3). Can anyone please me how to overcome this problem?


Thanks in advance.IMG_4769.jpg

16 - Nebula

Try restarting your device, this will help

5 - Atom

I tried that way also but faced the same issue.

16 - Nebula

Try this:

Check your network connection: Make sure you have a stable and reliable network connection. A weak or unstable connection can cause the SharePoint input tool to run slowly or fail to connect.


Optimize your workflow: Review your workflow design and remove any unnecessary or redundant tools, simplify your logic and workflows, and optimize your data processing by reducing the number of records being processed at one time.


Increase your resources: If your computer's resources are limited, consider increasing your RAM or processor power to improve the performance of Alteryx.


Adjust SharePoint Input Tool Configuration: Try adjusting the configuration of the SharePoint input tool, such as increasing the timeout or reducing the number of columns or rows being retrieved. You can also try using the "Data Sampling" option to retrieve a smaller sample of data and test your workflow before running it with the full data set.


Update Alteryx and SharePoint: Make sure you are using the latest version of Alteryx and SharePoint, as updates may include performance improvements and bug fixes.


If these steps do not resolve the issue, you may need to reach out to Alteryx Support or your SharePoint administrator for further assistance.

5 - Atom

@sivareddyudumula were you able to figure out? I am facing the same issue whenever I open my workflow Alteryx designer stopped responding and crashes.
