Does anyone know how to change the default web browser that Alteryx will open websites in?
On my local desktop it automatically opens in Microsoft Edge/Explorer, and I would like to switch it to chrome/firefox.
I am mainly hoping to make this switch for Google Analytics/Google Sheets Input tools so that I can login into my Google Account using Chrome and not Edge/Explorer.
Hey @akhilsontakke,
Alteryx will open using the default web browser on your PC. You can change the default in your PC's app settings:
Ira Watt
Technical Consultant
Thank you for that information, I have my default web browser set to Chrome. However, the Explore tool in Alteryx is still sourcing Internet Explore. Please advise and thank you in advance for your help!
what version google sheets are you running? assuming it's a version from the past 18 months - it should open an external browser based upon your machine's default... ie double check what your default web browser is.