Hi all
I have a very complex Analytics Apps that prompts the user for a staff name, email or ID (per screenshots below). the current structure works well for single staff members but we occasionally get requests for multiple staff members.
Is there a way to allow multi-line entries, separated by commas (e.g. dtrump246, jbiden005) or line-breaks by changing the interface text boxes, radio buttons or filters
Any guidance would be appreciative
I am not sure if you can do this in interface tools, but you can modify the workflow afterwards.
E.g. you can ask the user to input data separated by a specified character e.g. comma), then use "Text to columns" tool and its "Split to rows" option to generate multiple rows - each for separate ID/email/GUID.
You can then make a macro to process each of these entries separately (possibly batch macro?).
Maybe you can check this post.
It is not input tool, and it is a check box.
For the Text Input, it gets more complicated. Have not yet get any luch after a few try.
Thanks @Qiu and @JarekSkudrzyk
My apologies, i didn't explain clearly
i am looking to manually enter names, email address or GUID then have the workflow filter/select those names from a huge list of 15,000+ staff.
Presently we are using the above workflow screenshot and works very well for singular entry, but some days we have to filter from 1 to 20 staff members.
If Alteryx can't manage what I am trying to implement then i am happy to keep using the singular entry.
Hi @StephenT, you can achieve this if you use a separate table that you can search on using Find and Replace, since you need the Contains criteria. Then you can filter based on a flag. See attached.