Relatively simple problem that I can't figure out. I want to make an analytic app to let a user search a Calgary database, but on a variable number of fields. A simple example below (I made a simple dummy database in the first alteryx attachment). Let's say the Calgary database is indexed on First name, and Last name. If the user searches a first name and a last name (Stephen Smith), the results come back instantly. But what if they only know the first name and they want results for all Stephens? I tried to put a condition on the last name box to check if it's null, and if it is then alter the Calgary join tool to join the indexes accordingly. But I can't get it to work. Here is what I tried- 1) I first tried to just make the action "deselect" last name as a joined field if the entry box was null. this is like if I changed the Calgary join tool by hand and changed the join to "[None]" in the selection box in the attached picture. That didn't seem to work 2) if I couldn't REMOVE the field as a join, maybe I could change the fields it's joining if the entry box is null. see the second attached workflow. I tried to make a dummy field in my data filled with "x", and a dummy indexed field in the Calgary database filled with "x". if the entry box is null, change the field that's joining to be dummy=dummy. That doesn't seem to work 3) I know I could just make the Calgary join only use the first name, and then use another tool later to join on last name if needed. but then it wouldn't make full use of the indexes if the user DOES know both first and last name. and what if last name is the only thing they know, not the first? So i'd like to be able to make the Calgary join tool itself join only on the fields the user has entered