Hi all,
I am new to API Connections and am having trouble knowing what goes into the Text Input field followed by how to set up the download tool...
its not clear how you push through the API Key and the username and password... I have reviewed many online posts but still unsure.
any help is appreciated
@btthornhill You can put the URL into the Text Input tool and create columns for the key or you can configure the Download tool with the key. Your API documentation will tell you what it's looking for with how you enter it. In my case, this is an API call to Yelp that I use with a developer account. It requires me to give the key a name of "Authorization" and a value of "Bearer XXXX." You key may be different, but the documentation should point you in the right direction. I also like to use Postman when testing API calls. Yelp is a fun one to use API calls on if you're learning. A developer account is free. I did not attach my workflow because it has my key in it, but these screenshots should tell the story.