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Variation in duplicate and unique value

5 - Atom



I have tried all the option from unique to filter and formula too but not able to get the expected result as shown above please suggest 

9 - Comet



Could you please explain bit more in detail and attach the input you have used for above screenshot, for my better understanding 

5 - Atom

This is just to explain the problem if you see above example Alteryx marks Y only against one repetitive value and considers the other value as unique. Whereas the expected result is to mark Y against all the value which is repeated in dataset. 

9 - Comet

Hi Manish,


The Unique tool in Alteryx works in this way, here as per the data you have shared. We have 2 Apples and 3 Grapes and rest all are unique. So, Alteryx will give one apple and one Grape row and rest of unique rows (We have only one entry for each of Orange, Peach & Banana - so all these three will come under unique anchor) under unique anchor. 


The duplicates one's left out are 1 apple and 2 grapes which will come as Duplicate anchor output. 




Hope this helps 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)


If it is important to you to see the information as you described it in the Expected column, rather than the way the Unique tool is designed, you could use the information from the D (duplicate) output anchor to flag all the rows that contain information that occurs multiple times in your data.  Doing so would just require additional steps in your workflow.

Lisa LePome
Principal Support Engineer -- Knowledge Management Coach
Alteryx, Inc.