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Select with out from

6 - Meteoroid

I have written a sql query in the Alteryx Input data tool as below

select date_format(date_add('month', 0, current_date),'%Y%m%d')  as  var1,
date_add('month', -1, current_date ) as var2 ;


and when I tested the query it gives an error.


What exactly the problem with the query ?


How can I make it run  create the variables ?

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hey @Alteryx_new 

Alteryx is just passing sql to and from the database via ODBC, so the database is giving you the error.

To troubleshoot this:
1. What database technology is this connected to?

2. What is the exact text of the error?

3. Is there anything else to your SQL statement?


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

For example, if it's Oracle, you must have a From, even if it's just From DUAL

Lisa LePome
Principal Support Engineer -- Knowledge Management Coach
Alteryx, Inc.
6 - Meteoroid



1)The actual query run was below  and it was on presto the image is attached


select cast(date_format(date_add('month', 0, date_add('day', -day(current_date)+1, current_date)),'%Y%m%d') as varchar) as param1,
date_add('month', -1, date_add('day', -day(current_date)+1, current_date)) as param2 ;


2)The  error is attached


3) Nothing else to my sql statement , I just want to create the parameters  and give as input to the dynamic input tool



14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

@Alteryx_new  did you try @LisaL 's suggestion of using "FROM DUAL"?

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hey @Alteryx_new another thing I thought of:

The error message "line 1.33" usually means line 1 character 33 in your statement is where it detected a problem parsing the query.

The "Expecting '('" usually means that you have a missing open paren or extra close paren, or you have an extra comma between a set of parens making it expect a different number of parameters in a statement.

I've looked over a few times and I can't seem to find where it would be (nor do I have a Presto DB handy); but I would start with Lisa's suggestion and then try to work through those statements again.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I have never used Presto, but this page from their documentation might help you.  It makes me wonder whether you need to use current_timestamp where you have current_date in the date_add() function.

Lisa LePome
Principal Support Engineer -- Knowledge Management Coach
Alteryx, Inc.
12 - Quasar

Hi @Alteryx_new ; @patrick_mcauliffe and @LisaL 


I also read the available documentation for the Presto Database, (as I never had used it); and discover that in their latest versions they deprecated DUAL, evidence below:


I don't have Presto DB installed in my laptop, and I have no idea how to write an SQL SELECT query without a FROM, my suggestion to @Alteryx_new are:


  1. Try a more standard query SELECT - FROM table.
  2. Can you try the query on Presto DB client, where it allows you to run queries against the engine or any database.
  3. As suggested by @patrick_mcauliffe What did you find at line 1.33; it seems the message is coming from Presto DB itself, telling us that the query is not properly buidl.


