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Need help with the error message for Google drive input tool

5 - Atom



I am trying to use Google Drive Input Tool to import a gsheet then write the file to certain location and configure to .xlsx format.


However I keep getting the error for my Google Drive Input: local variable 'no_of_records' referenced before assignment, not sure if anyone knows how to fix the error?


Appreciated that!



12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Did you find anything? I'm getting this error

8 - Asteroid

I'm also seeing this error.


12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi @MeghanGohil , 


I'm running into this on Designer 2024.1, GDrive Tools 1.3.2. I was also previously running into this on 2023.1 / 1.3.1 but it was from different behavior than I'm seeing on 1.3.2. 


What I've found specifically with 1.3.2, that 1.3.1 didn't do, is it gets confused about the file type which can cause this error. For example, if I go into the GDrive Input Tool, select my file, click over to Config File tab, and click back to Select File but then don't wait for it to fully load before clicking onto the Canvas or running my workflow, I'll get that error next time I run the workflow. 


This is what my screenshot looks like to cause the error. I just need to wait and stare at it while it finishes loading, and then I can click elsewhere and run it without an error. 




I've created an Alteryx Support ticket for my specific issue/reproduction steps but they're still investigating. 

5 - Atom

Has there been any resolution on this topic?  I am getting the same error.

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

@RoliveIndeed - If you're not on the GDrive Tools 1.3.3, I would suggest upgrading (and removing any older versions). I don't think I've run into this error on 1.3.3 (knock on wood). If I have, it's way less often than with the older versions of the tools.

5 - Atom

This was actually it!  I upgraded to 1.3.3 yesterday and everything now works!