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Formula Tool

5 - Atom

Hello, How do I get output using formula tool with the value 'My name is Anisha' 


GetWord([Field], 2). Trying this formula but getting error as "The field "" is missing. Compare the tool configuration with the input stream"


Any suggestionhow do I get output using formula tool or any other tool?

8 - Asteroid

Hi @AltAnisha , 

 this error is coming because formula tool is  not connected to any input tool and there is no column named [Field]. 

use text input tool to write your input then use formula tool.

please see attached workflow.i hope it will be helpful for you.

9 - Comet

Two reasons that it might be happening are:

1. Your input to the formula does not have a column name. Check if your formula tool is referring to a column or creating one.

2. Your meta data is not passing down the tools. This shows error but disappears while running.