Hey All,
I am trying to apply a new SSL certificate for Alteryx Connect to replace an old one that is getting ready to expire. I am using a new PFX file that I have successfully installed on the local machine (Connect host machine).
The password assigned to the new PFX file matches the password currently being used for the connect.keystore. However when I run the "keytool.exe -importkeystore: .... command I keep getting the error message: "java.io.IOException: keystore password is incorrect".
As part of the troubleshooting I have started with a brand new connect.keystore file where I configure it with the password that matches the new PFX file. Yet I continue to get the same error message. Yet when I reapply the old PFX cert that has the exact same password, the import works successfully.
Any ideas on what could be going on? Is the PFX file corrupt somehow?