
Community news, customer stories, and more!



Greetings Maveryx! What is an alien with three eyes called? An aliiien! Welcome to your Top Contributors Blog for the month of May! Users this month were simply out of this world and really went to infinity and beyond to help others on our Community.


Problem solvers – Most solutions


To think that at one point in this planet’s history, there were just a bunch of rocks and water, and somehow, we turned nothing into the civilization we have today. The planet Earth provided us with everything we need as a species to be successful, which is very in line with the way our problem solvers this month operate. Our users with the most solutions this month left no stone unturned when finding solutions for others and really went the extra mile to make sure that their fellow users are set up for success.



Source: Unsplash


@binuacs – 82 solutions

@Yoshiro_Fujimori – 39 solutions

@geraldo– 38 solutions


Conversation Starter – Threads Started


Is it a planet?…Is it not a planet?…Is it a cartoon dog??…So many questions to be answered! However you look at it, there’s always something to discuss when it comes to Pluto. Pluto may be the smallest of the planets, but it is always a hot topic when discussed with other people. If the planet Pluto were alive and could use the internet, it would make our list of conversation starters. Our users with the most threads started have a natural curiosity that makes them ideal for other users that may have the same questions.



Source: Unsplash


@wonka1234  - 20 threads

@caltang   - 14 threads

@SeanAdams - 12 threads


Prolific Posters – Most Replies


Jupiter is the planet in our solar system with the most amount of moons orbiting it, somewhere between 80-95. If Jupiter was the Maveryx Community, its moons would be the replies left by our Prolific Posters. Like the perpetual storm on Jupiter’s surface (sometimes called the Great Red Spot), our prolific posters for the month of May have no quit in them. Always providing useful insights, these users are appreciated by all and provide valuable knowledge to those who seek it.



Source: Unsplash  


@binuacs– 262 replies

@geraldo - 175 replies

@Yoshiro_Fujimori - 152 replies


Peer reviewed – Most likes received


Basketball is a fan-favorite sport played around the world by millions of people, kind of like how our users with the most likes are also fan favorites. Basketball is a team sport, and our peer-reviewed users make sure to lift up those around them, and the community shows its appreciation for them. The Community is a slam dunk when users like these show up.



Source: Unsplash 


@binuacs– 142 likes

@Yoshiro_Fujimori - 85 likes

@simonaubert_bd  - 62 likes


And there you have it Maveryx! Those are your Top contributors for the month of May. We hope you had a blast reading, and this Community truly operates in a galaxy of its own.


