We are gearing up to bring back our Grand Prix event, this year in the beautiful city of Las Vegas, Nevada! This event pits the fastest Alteryx users against one another on stage at Inspire Americas. Many competed in the preliminary round, but 5 emerged on top and have earned their way to the finals that will take place Thursday, May 25 at Inspire.
Your 5 finalists for the Grand Prix are…
- Matt Montgomery – Montgomery Solutions LLC - @mmontgomery
- Molly Harras -Pioneer Natural Resources - @harrame
- Liu Zhang - The Information Lab - @leozhang2work
- Bona Wang - Aimpoint Digital - @Bonnn
- Hayden Messamore - Capitalize Analytics - @hlmess
Let’s congratulate our finalists and wish them luck! I hope to see you all at Inspire Americas May 22-25th in Las Vegas for what will surely be a thrilling experience! If you haven't registered yet, there's still time to get there!