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reconfigure handling of saving flows to Gallery that using Zip9, CASS and other tools/data


We are getting an error saving flow to our private gallery with US Geocoder tool.



The error speak to "public" and not "private" gallery and we get the reasoning except that we should be able to save to our private gallery and deploys solutions internally that we built using these tools and data.


We are on 2020.4.6 on both the gallery and laptop.


Laptop is in Business Insights trial.

Servers all have Insights add-on


I found in the community a post where you can manually update the flow run settings but the user mistook that the flow did save even with error.



This allows the job to work but it is annoying that

  • Each flow they build they would have to accept that it is ok on saving with error
  • I am concerned they may miss a real error buried in the messaging
    • Please change the font color and message to a “Warning” in gold font like the “Results View” vs an “Error” in red font because it is not really an error and any real errors would then stand out
  • Then they have to take extra step in the Gallery to enable the flow to work…


I recommend modifying the User “Actions” options to include an “Allow Insights” option.

This can then be used in

  1. determining if to even generate messaging on these jobs at save time.
    1. user has authorization and this is to private gallery and not public gallery
  2. avoids having to make someone made a curator when they SHOULD NOT have curator/server wide powers.
  3. Preset the workflow setting based on the saving developers user setting thus eliminating the extra step of setting the workflow setting in the Gallery post save.


Doing this simplifies and automates the process and significantly improves user experience when developing insights flows for use in the gallery.

