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Hello Community

5 - Atom

Hi everyone, 


I am Lakeisha Warren, a Sr. Tax Analyst at PFG. I've worked for the company for about 13 years and looking forward to automating the various Excel spreadsheets used to provide fixed asset updates, tax forecasts, reconciliations and many more manual spreadsheets used within our tax department. I hope to master Alteryx and become the department's "go-to" person to help automate and consolidate our manual tasks.


I look forward to connecting with everyone and growing together!

7 - Meteor

Welcome!! As a former HR spreadsheet user, I can tell you that Alteryx makes all those spreadsheet woes go away!! 

8 - Asteroid

Hey @lawarren ! Welcome to the community. I recommend you start in on the onboarding set of courses,


Launch Pad Resources - Alteryx Community


as well as the "Getting Started" learning path.


Learning Paths - Alteryx Community


Give the Foundational Micro Cert a try, you'll be glad you did!


Certification - Alteryx Community


Best, Albert

5 - Atom

That is great to hear!
