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Sign up for our first User Group Meeting of 2019! Certification 101

6 - Meteoroid

Join the DC Alteryx User Group for our first meeting of 2019!


Event Details

KPMG | 1801 K Street Northwest | #700K | Washington, DC 20036
Friday, March 29, 2019 from 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM (EDT)


We will be covering focusing on the Alteryx Designer Core Certification Exam, and working through practice exam problems. This is a great way for beginners to see Alteryx in action, as well as advanced users to get tricks to pass the Alteryx exam series. 

As always, we will also be discussing any questions and exciting problems our Alteryx users are working on!


What is the Alteryx Core Certification Exam? 

The Alteryx Designer Core product certification exam is intended to test your aptitude around the 'core' toolset in Alteryx. Whether you are just beginning your journey in analytics or a seasoned professional, this exam is an opportunity to prove your skills with Designer. This exam is a pre-requisite for advanced level exams. 

The 'core' toolset was determined by the top 20 most used tools in the Alteryx Designer in addition to understanding basic UI/operational elements. The Alteryx Designer Core exam is the most basic of the certification offerings. This exam is free of charge.


Other notes

Please bring your laptop with Alteryx Designer (trial available here: Lunch will be provided.


RSVP today!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)


This meeting has SOLD OUT. If you are unable to attend please cancel your Eventbrite ticket


We have a couple logistical changes, so we wanted to reach out directly to let you know. 


The starting time of the event is now 12:30pm, we will go until 2:30pm.


The meeting is now being held in room 1000 of the same building. Check in with security and then go to KMPG reception. This is all on the main K street level.


If this changes your ability to attend, please let me know ASAP. We're a bit high on head count due to an overwhelmingly positive response, so if you think it's unlikely you'll be able to make it, it would help us to know for space and food buying purposes. 


The details on the EventBrite page will be updated later today. 


Thank you all for your flexibility, we look forward to seeing everyone Friday! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. 


- Your DC Alteryx User Group Leadership Team