Hi, Finance UG Members!
We're ramping up to our Q1 Finance User Group meeting. Join us on March 29th at 8am PDT via WebEx . We are welcoming Mauricio Pommier from EY and Ryan Karpowicz from Medline as they discuss their use cases, best practices, and takeaways. No matter who you work for or what your title is - if there's money in your data, this user group is for you.
When: 3/29/2019
Where: Virtual - WebEx
We are looking forward to you joining us!
Thanks @ChrisS. Is "March 26th" on the image a typo?
Hi @jamielaird,
That is correct! the meeting will be taking place on the 29!
thanks for the heads up! :)
Sorry I missed it. I had some time zone confusion. Is there a recording available?
Hi @spfalconer, we will have the recap up by Monday and it will include the recording!