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São Paulo, BR - Português

Welcome to the São Paulo User Group

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Welcome to the São Paulo User Group!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello, User Group Members! Please take a moment by answering the questions below to introduce yourself to the São Paulo User Group Community. Once again welcome!


  1. What’s your name and what industry do you hail from?
  2. What was the last movie you went to? What did you think?
  3. What Alteryx Tool represents you the most?
7 - Meteor

Hello, Taylor!


1) My name is Bruno Cesar Pasquini, I salute you from the Consulting industry. I'm an experienced SAS programmer, who was introduced to Alteryx 3 months ago, and I'm in a new world where analytics can be "programmed" faster with much less need of coding...


2) I went to the movies last to see "Os 10 mandamentos (10 commandments)", a Brazilian production of the Biblical History of Hebrew exodus out of Egypt. Prior to that, a more known movie, I went to see "Star Wars - The Force Awakens". Loved both of them, althought very different movie styles...


3) I'm still trying to figure it out which tool represents me better. As a statistician used to program in SAS, maybe I like most R coding tool under Developer group of tools. Since I had invested in learning how to code, I still enjoy the power and the flexibility of writing codes, although my knowledge of R is not (yet!) something impressive... Alteryx provides me a simplicity of use, sometimes I still need to nest some functions in a Formula tool in a programmer's way, so I can say now I have the simplicity of Alteryx (in a broader sense) and the practive to code (when needed) some complex formulas...


I don't know whether one can consider I answered your last question, but that is my best answer so far...


Glad to join this group!


Bruno César Pasquini

6 - Meteoroid
  1. Ana Luisa Bacellar, Health-Tech. 
  2. I like more books, the last was Wicked 😉
  3.  Spatial Analysis, was my PhD theme 😃
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Seja bem-vinda, @Ana_Bacellar


Aproveitando seu conhecimento no setor de saúde, tenho certeza que você deve ter bastante informação interessante para compartilhar com a gente! 

Fique à vontade para entrar em contato se quiser bater um papo e descobrir as melhores formas de compartilhar suas experiências com a nossa Comunidade! 

Flávia Brancato