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Hello, User Group Members! Please take a moment by answering the questions below to introduce yourself to the São Paulo User Group Community. Once again welcome!
Hello, Taylor!
1) My name is Bruno Cesar Pasquini, I salute you from the Consulting industry. I'm an experienced SAS programmer, who was introduced to Alteryx 3 months ago, and I'm in a new world where analytics can be "programmed" faster with much less need of coding...
2) I went to the movies last to see "Os 10 mandamentos (10 commandments)", a Brazilian production of the Biblical History of Hebrew exodus out of Egypt. Prior to that, a more known movie, I went to see "Star Wars - The Force Awakens". Loved both of them, althought very different movie styles...
3) I'm still trying to figure it out which tool represents me better. As a statistician used to program in SAS, maybe I like most R coding tool under Developer group of tools. Since I had invested in learning how to code, I still enjoy the power and the flexibility of writing codes, although my knowledge of R is not (yet!) something impressive... Alteryx provides me a simplicity of use, sometimes I still need to nest some functions in a Formula tool in a programmer's way, so I can say now I have the simplicity of Alteryx (in a broader sense) and the practive to code (when needed) some complex formulas...
I don't know whether one can consider I answered your last question, but that is my best answer so far...
Glad to join this group!
Bruno César Pasquini
Seja bem-vinda, @Ana_Bacellar!
Aproveitando seu conhecimento no setor de saúde, tenho certeza que você deve ter bastante informação interessante para compartilhar com a gente!
Fique à vontade para entrar em contato se quiser bater um papo e descobrir as melhores formas de compartilhar suas experiências com a nossa Comunidade!