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San Francisco Bay Area, CA

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Silicon Valley, CA Alteryx User Group Meeting in October! All invited to attend.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Join us at the first Silicon Valley Alteryx User Group meeting at Marketo! We are very excited about the start of this User Group and providing an opportunity for Alteryx users in Silicon Valley, and  all Alteryx users from San Francisco and the Bay Area to connect, share best practices, and improve skill sets that help maximize their potential with Alteryx.


Attend this event to begin networking and gaining valuable insights on how your peers are using Alteryx, detailed agenda to follow. We hope to see you at the meeting!


Silicon Valley, CA Alteryx User Group Meeting, October 26 @5pm


05:00-05:15pm-Meet and Greet
05:15-05:30pm-Introductions and Results from Survey, Tim Chandler @TZChandler, Marketo
05:30-05:45pm-Tricks and Treats using Alteryx Desktop Tim Chandler, Marketo

05:45-06:15pm-Alteryx’s New Server Usage Reporting, Steve Wagner, Alteryx
06:15-06:30pm-Roundtable Discussion: Topics for future meetings?

Location: 901 Mariners Island Blvd, San Mateo, CA 94404, Ground Floor, Theatre Rm.


Please wear your company badges while at Marketo for identification.


Join the Silicon Valley Alteryx User Group Page

Tatiana Servin
Content Marketing