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2019 Q1 Meeting Recap

8 - Asteroid


Thank you to those who attended our first meeting of the year!  It definitely set the bar, as we had some amazing content thanks to @Greg_Murray and Hector Amaya AKA @AmayaH75 of Sharp Healthcare.  As a bonus, @whitney-fee shared some exciting new features in 2018.4.  We also saw some friendly faces in attendance from Alteryx, including Cat AKA @CatherineM, @LaurenU and @ChrisS.







Greg kicked it off and showed us how to use the download tool in conjunction with various parsing and regex tools to scrape website data for basketball player stats.  He shared a macro that retrieves the necessary data and then structures it in a way that he can analyze the data.













IMG_0681.jpegAs a follow up to this, Hector shared how Alteryx can then be used to see what player attributes are best associated with number of rebounds.  Was it years played / experience?  Height?  Position?  After taking a course from Udacity and using predictive tools, he demonstrated how you can input all the variables into the recommended models for the type of data and compare them to see which had the most accurate results.










At the end we heard from Whitney who covered an overview of 2018.4 Gallery and Designer updates.  Some of which we were personally very excited for such as the ability to share schedules and job results in Gallery.


Attachments and Links

Web Scraping

Slides: Scraping the Glass.pptx

Macros: BR Player Scraper.yxmc & BR Player Catalog Macro

Workflows: Player Stats Parsing WF.yxzp & Player Catalog Parsing WF

* These workflows/macros may need input data to work.


Predictive Analysis

Workflow: HA_Rebounding Predictive workflow2.yxzp
Udacity Course:

Analytical Methodology: Analytical_Methodology.PNG

* The scoring portion of the workflow is included but it was not covered in the presentation


2018.4 Enhancements

Slides: 2018.4 Enhancements.pptx

Review of Features, Trial Download:

Release Notes:

Upgrade Guide:


See you next time!




8 - Asteroid

For some reason I couldn't attach the macros for Greg's presentation or the image of the Analytical Methodology for Hector's part.  I will post as soon as I can.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I had such a great time at the meeting!!! It was nice to meet you all. I definitely will try to attend more in 2019. :)



6 - Meteoroid

This sounds amazing!!  I'm SO bummed that I was not able to make it.  Will definitely be at the next meeting.  Thanks @Zazil for sharing the hi-lights from the meeting.  Props to Greg @Greg_Murray , Hector @AmayaH75  and Whitney @whitney-fee for what sound like excellent presentations!

5 - Atom

The full URL to the Predictive Analytics for Business course on Udacity is . One-time payment of $999 or, at least the first time I followed the link, there was a monthly option for under $90 a month.