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Richmond, VA

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Richmond themed Data Challenge!

5 - Atom

Hello all!

The Data Challenge for the RVA Alteryx Group Q2 Meeting will be: What will the James River height be on Memorial Day?

If you submit a solution you will be put in the drawing for some Alteryx swag and winner will be announced post Memorial Day and will win bragging rights!

The dataset attached has 5 years of river height data from the location below obtained from the United States Geological Society 


I look forward to discussing the data challenge and seeing you all next week at The Veil in Scotts Addition, Thursday April 18th at 530!


Screen Shot 2024-04-11 at 8.34.59 AM.png

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So who won?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Great question, @lwolfie

@hermesfj, do you have the result? 

Flávia Brancato
5 - Atom

The winner of the data challenge is @Montie coming in at 5.3 feet. The level of the river was 4.3 feet on May 27th 2024, Memorial day.

Way to go Montie! 

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