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Richmond, VA

Welcome to the Richmond User Group

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Richmond, VA (RVA) User Group

11 - Bolide

Hello, User Group Members! Please take a moment to answer the questions below to introduce yourself to the Richmond User Group Community.


  1. What’s your name and what industry do you hail from?
  2. How long have you been using Alteryx?
  3. What Alteryx Tool represents you the most?
  4. What is your favorite thing about Richmond or to do in the Richmond area?


Be on the look out for an announcement for our inaugural meeting.  Open to suggestions on where to hold it and what time works best for the majority of the group.  Once again, welcome!



11 - Bolide

I'll get it started!


I'm Alex Cordero.  My background has primarily been as a CFO/Controller/Accountant in the restaurant, automotive services and consulting industries.  I've been using Alteryx for nine months.  I've also been using Tableau, PowerPivot and DAX for the past 2 years.  I have to say the Formula tool represents me the best since I've been so familiar with writing complex formulas in Excel for over 25 years.  A close 2nd would be the Summarize tool since it does a lot of what I used to do with Pivot Tables!  Richmond is just a great place - the dining and craft beer scene, the schools, the 400 years of US history so close by, the creative business environment, and the proximity to DC, beaches, rivers and mountains.