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Richmond, VA

Welcome to the Richmond User Group

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Recap of Q1 2022 RVA User Group Meeting

11 - Bolide

The Richmond User Group held its virtual meeting on February 18th.  Carolyn Westlake kicked us of with an introduction of the presenters and the format of the meeting.  Andrew Barr and Montie Schmiege presented a use case where the Internal Audit group at CarMax uses Alteryx to automate a recurring inventory monitoring process to save over 300 hours a year and improve the accuracy of their data.  An overview of their presentation is attached in a pdf document.  Alex Cordero demonstrated a process to extract survey/polling data using 1 iterative macro inside another iterative macro.   The workflow compares each respondents answers to all other respondents answers to find similar groups based number of matches.  A packaged workflow has been attached. 


We will announce a date for our Q2 meeting soon and are looking for ideas on topics, locations and volunteers to present.  Please provide feedback on whether we should go live or keep virtual for Q2.  If you attempted to sign up and did not get an invite please let us know.  Thank you.


