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Big thanks to Alex Cordero for giving us Alteryx updates and Chad Martin for all his tips and tricks. I learned a few things about the Union tool that are going to impress my colleagues.
If you missed the meeting, no worries here is the recording.
Huge thanks to @cwestlake and @alex for the opportunity to present to the group! I really enjoyed the conversation and feedback, and hope everyone was able to learn something new.
I've attached the workflow and presentation here, please don't hesitate to reach out if you'd like further clarification on anything!
~ Chad
When trying to click on the video or view in My Videos I received as access denied. How to I receive access, so I can watch this?
Oh no! So sorry. Let's see if @FláviaB is able to provide some info. I might have to repost.
Hi @mcdonakr. Thanks for flagging.
Since the video in embedded in the post, you shouldn't need to go to My Videos or have permission to watch when you click on it. Would you be able to share a screenshot of what you are seeing? This is the first time I hear this issue so I will need to investigate.
It's working now! Thank you! @FláviaB @cwestlake
Awesome, @mcdonakr. We needed to tweak something in our end. Glad that worked!