Open Alteryx Designer:
Start by opening Alteryx Designer on your computer.
Load Data:
Use the Input Data tool to load your dataset (e.g., CSV, Excel, or database).
Data Cleaning:
Apply data cleansing tools such as:
Data Cleansing: Remove nulls, trim whitespace, convert to proper case, etc.
Select: Choose specific columns and change data types.
Filter: Exclude rows that don't meet certain criteria.
Data Transformation:
Use tools like:
Formula: Create new columns or modify existing ones.
Join: Merge datasets on a common field.
Union: Combine datasets with similar structures.
Sort: Order your data by specific fields.
Data Analysis:
Apply analytical tools such as:
Summarize: Aggregate data (e.g., sum, average, count).
Find Nearest: Spatial analysis if working with geographical data.
Output Results:
Use the Output Data tool to save the results to your desired format (e.g., Excel, CSV, database).
A straight forward solution. I quite understand how to work with a dataset.
solution for practice 1