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Portland, OR

Welcome to the Portland User Group

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Alteryx Portland UG | June 26th

8 - Asteroid

Hi, All! Going to miss Inspire or can't decide between two awesome sessions happening at the same time? We've got you covered!


Join us for our Q3 Alteryx User Group Meeting downtown at the Pioneer Place WeWork space on June 26th.


We'll be recapping our favorite takeaways and highlighting our favorite sessions from Inspire. Plus, we have an awesome session lined up on how to integrate the reporting tools into your workflows by @chriswilliams41. Chris has deep experience presenting the results of analysis through the reporting tools -- he'll show us his tips and tricks around using the reporting tools from combining report elements to how to use the layout tool. 


Please RSVP here via EventBrite!


Portland Alteryx User Group Q3 Meeting

When: June 26th, 2019 from 5:30-7:30pm

Where: WeWork, 700 Southwest 5th Avenue


We hope you can join us!


-Isaac, David & Joshua

@joshuaburkhow @davidhenington 

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

I wanted to thank everyone for coming out last night. It was great seeing all of you and a real privilege to present in front of you. I can't wait until the next time we get together. Let's keep the chatter going. Happy Alteryxing!

10 - Fireball

My sentiments exactly and thank you Chris for presenting!