Pittsburgh, PA

Pittsburgh Alteryx User Group (PAUG) Recap and Information!


Thank you to those who attended the Inaugural Pittsburgh Alteryx User Group (PAUG)!  We cannot say it didn't go off without any snags but I know we had a good time sharing a few use cases with everyone.  We really appreciated the engagement and discussion we had throughout the meeting.  Special thanks to @stevedem for presenting on web scraping with the download tool and @vizandy for presenting on a network analysis based on his emails and his LinkedIn profile.


Please take our survey for determining where and when our next group meeting will take place here: PAUG Survey


Here were the requested topics for next session:

  • Predictive Analytics (R Tools)
  • Output Tools (outputting to multiple tabs, etc.)
  • Reporting Tools (how to properly use the reporting features)
  • Alteryx Server
  • Batch Macro for Web Scraping


Please reply to this thread (or answer in the survey) if you are interested in presenting on a topic.  Your topic does not have to be from the above list!


Let's make our second PAUG even better!