Click here at the time of the event to join:
Hi everyone, I hope your summer is going well!
Don’t miss our next NY User Group meeting! We are excited to announce the Q3 Meeting will be Hybrid, with an option to attend at Alteryx's NYC office!
Some logistics:
Date: Thursday, September 21 2023
Time: 4:45 PM – 6:00 EST
Location: Zoom link provided above or
Alteryx New York Office 19 West 44th St., New York, 10036 16th floor Conference Room: Central Park
In addition to RSVPing to the event, please answer the below poll to confirm in-person vs virtual attendance. If you're attending live you must arrive prior to 5pm hours in order to be admitted to the building.
Are you planning to attend:
Virtually free polls
Welcome & Intros
Our experiences with Alteryx Challenges - The Journey to Expert, by Christian Curcurato and Jose de la Rosa, from The Data School
Tips and tricks for speed, by Esther Bezborodko
Be sure to register by clicking RSVP "Yes" on the top right corner to see the event's information!
If you have not already joined the NY User Group, please join so you can stay up to date on current and future meetings.
Hope to see everyone there!
New York User Group Leaders
Mike ( @mbarone ), Esther ( @estherb47 ), Seth (@smoskowitz), and Luke (@Luke_C )