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New York City, NY

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NYC AUG Q1 Meeting: Call for Speakers/Ideas!

8 - Asteroid

Hello and Happy New Year!


It's that time again to begin planning our next AUG, to be held in late Jan or early Feb. Two questions for everyone:

  1. Are you interesting in presenting? This could be on a host of topics, including technical how-to's or demos, as well as business adoption use cases. Server or Connect spots are welcome, too.
  2. Is there a specific topic you'd like to learn more about? Please post some ideas on subject areas of interest to you, it is likely you are not alone! It is also likely someone is an expert here that might want to present on it! 


Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! 




12 - Quasar



I wanted to follow-up on Call To Speakers post! 


If any of the topics listed below interest you -- please let us know. I would also like to add this question:


"Did you come up with a workflow that you are particularly proud of?" in other words, did you solve a challenging problem in a creative way?


This is the time to show it off. You and I may not be in the same industry, but your workflow might just spark an idea for someone else! 


Please reach out if you have any questions or ideas!





8 - Asteroid

Hi all, please let us know what you are interested in discussing at the next user group. We have a light agenda arranged thus far but are looking for additional topics and especially speakers. 


