Montreal, QC

Welcome to the Montreal User Group! Join Us For Fun!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello, User Group Members! Please take a moment by answering the questions below to introduce yourself to the Montreal User Group Community. Once again welcome!


  1. What’s your name and what industry do you hail from?
  2. What was the last movie you went to? What did you think?
  3. What Alteryx Tool represents you the most?


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

It's so quiet in here! I guess I will kick this off ;)


  1. My name is Julie Hamel and I have worked in the B2B Hi Tech Software industry for nearly 10 years as a consultant, and as a community manager.
  2. The last movie I actually WENT to was Star Wars The Force Awakens, which I adored and has become a new family classic/favorite. (You can guess I don't go to the movies often.)
  3. The Join Multiple tool probably represents me the best - it is what I do every day for the community while wearing many hats, connecting different people, content and technology, to achieve common goals, and bring awesome projects to life.


Looking forward to finding out more about our local Alteryx users!


6 - Meteoroid


My name is Michael Johnson and i have been working with MakeGoodFood as a Logistics Specialist for 2 years.

the last movie i saw was Jurassic world: Fallen kingdom, Huge Jurassic park nerd so i enjoyed it!

Hmmm the alteryx tool that represents me the most would have to be "Select" because i am so picky in the way i work and the way i manage data.

Nice to meet you all!

Michael Johnson's LinkedIn

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @MJohnson10! Welcome to the Montreal Group! We are excited to host the next meeting in September.


If you haven't fill out our survey, we would like to invite you to get your opinion.

10 - Fireball

Hey Michael! Thanks for introducing yourself - I look forward to seeing you at our next Montreal User Group!

We are still in the planning process but will let you know once we have an official date! Hope you were able to fill out the survey!



