Please help us spread the word!
The Milwaukee Alteryx User Group (MAUG) Leadership Committee is pleased to announce a January 2018 User Group Meeting (we're making up for a missed Q4 meeting).
The meeting will be held on Thursday January 18th at Bader Rutter in downtown Milwaukee. The meeting will feature two customer use cases. First Bader Rutter will describe how they're using Alteryx to help their clients target the right customers and Manpower will highlight Alteryx's input versatility by walking through how they're using Google Sheets as data sources.
Following the meeting, please join us for the Hyperfest & Holiday Party put on by our companion user group the Milwaukee Tableau User Group (TUG). This will be a special event demonstrating and announcing the release of the new tableau data engine: HYPER. Both events will be sponsored by Continuus Technologies.
Please direct new attendees & peers to register on the Eventbrite page so we can log attendance and contact information!
- 2:00 - 2:15: Networking
- 2:15 - 2:30: Welcome and Introductions, upcoming meetings/topics
- 2:30 – 3:00: Alteryx in Marketing
presentation by Bader Rutter
- 3:00 – 3:30: Alteryx and Google: using Google Sheets as data sources
presentation by Kelly Malzewski, Manpower.
- 4:00 - 7:00: TUG 'HYPERFEST' Event & Happy Hour @ Great Lakes Distillery
sponsored by Continuus Technologies
Great Lakes Distillery is located at:
Great Lakes Distillery
616 W Virginia Street
Milwaukee, WI 53204
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